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This charter is drafted as a basis to define the set of principles and act as a guideline to the organizations core purpose, its projects, members shared responsibilities and code of conduct of individuals when working on its behalf.

Our organization was formed recognizing the fact there are individuals and families in other regions who have similar shared interest to our goals and objectives. We welcome those individuals and groups to join us for the common purpose of making a positive contribution to our community and working with us on refining the charter. Our intent is not to solve all the socio-economic challenges of the community. Rather, it is to bring increased awareness of the needs of ordinary people in Korem and the surrounding communities, assess the priorities and provide material or financial contribution to address these priorities. Our primary focus is to engage with member sponsored/funded small scale project initiatives primary in the area of education, health and contribute directly to programs such as youth sports, community library and other locally identified and sustainable.

We are a none-profit, none-political organization with membership open to any individual, group or other organizations that shares a sense of social responsibility and good will. We enlist all those who have an interest for the people of Korem and the surrounding hill top villages to join us as a member under one organization by forming similar chapters at regional and local level. The contents of this first draft document are intended to be a basis for our structure and we encourage regional and sub-regional organizations to adopt the general framework and develop guidelines based on geographical realities. Our goal is all regional and sub-regional chapters to work under common directives and guidelines. Therefore this document is subject for full review and change once the organizational structures of those regions are fully established.

The organization’s primary objective is to engage directly on carefully selected small scale projects mostly funded though membership contribution. The organization is an all volunteer based organization and is not a substitute for other development organizations which have broader objectives in the area. However, we recognize the importance of collaboration and cooperation with other development initiatives in the area to insure more efficient use of resources and to limit duplication of activities. Therefore we are committed to collaborate with other organizations as long as the shared responsibilities are clearly defined and the project is not in any way to be used to promote the interest of any Political Organization or Groups in or out of the country. The organization will not participate in projects where it has no direct or indirect responsibility or oversight and will not engage in activities that the general membership views as jeopardizing its independence.

Guiding Principles

The organizations effectiveness of achieving and executing projects that are meaningful requires synergy and coordination among regional groups. The following organizational structures are formulated as a basis to define duties, operating rules and program objectives.

  1. The organizational structure and program activity should reflect on priorities of unity, expanded membership participation focusing on issues of common concern affecting the people of Korem and the surrounding community.
  2. The organization is none partisan and will not for the promotion of political agendas or self serving activities. Individuals or groups who are knowingly engaging in such activities using the organizations name or platform are divisive to the unity of its general members and the core of the organization good intention and will not be accepted.
  3. The organizations principal objective is to become a strong support structure at the local level by undertaking focused projects. Examples of such projects are:
    1. Rebuilding/renovating deteriorating infrastructures in educational and health facilities
    2. providing school supplies and other necessary materials to improve the quality of education
    3. instituting meal program for children who go to school hungry
    4. Creating a safe and competitive environment for female students by providing adequate infrastructure such as building separate latrines, where such inadequacy is known to be a cause of higher percentage drop out rate of female students.
    5. Create small scale annual scholarships program to encourage academics excellence and community service such as peer to peer learning.
    6. Initiate community based cooperative projects to help the unemployed youth and economical disadvantaged mothers and fathers jump start their life.
    7. Organize to assist in emergencies during environmentally triggered disasters such as drought.
    8. Support community based infrastructures such as libraries, sport facilities and youth community centers

General Operating Policy

The organizational policies of direct or indirect involvement in activities deemed appropriate and within the scope of its objectives, including selection of criteria and program engagement shall only be adopted upon acceptance and approval of at least 51% of its members. However if the funding is provided by an individual or an organization for clearly defined specific project goals and objectives, the organization can facilitate through community leaders and local members all the necessary logistics and support as long as the project is not in any way to be used to promote the interest of the donor undermining community well being. Therefore, the organization shall and will not support or work with donors or organization whose direct or indirect project funding motivation is to make profit, promote religion or specific political agenda.

Committees and Operating Officers

We ask those willing to join us to take the initiative and form regional or sub-regional chapters using this general framework as a basis for conducting business and establishing operating rules. If necessary, we encourage regional and sub-regional chapter to make modifications as they see it fit and practical to their geographical region.

General Support Team

Members are encouraged to actively work participate in all areas of the organization activities including in drafting and developing proposals, stream lining project priority ranking & selection, contracting process and audit. Unless an individual member or another organization had donated the necessary funding sponsoring a specific project, all programs directly supported through organizational funding and prioritization of budget allocation to such programs will require at least 51% of the membership approval.

Transitional Team / Interim Committee

The purpose of the Transitional Committee is to create & strength regional chapter, expand membership, develop organizational programs, oversee program activities and related matters of policy and develop organization structure at regional and sub-regional level. The Interim committee can be the entire members in a region and can consist as a minimum of a chairman, a vice chairman, a treasurer and other organizational units as needed for maximizing operational efficiency and to allow proactive participation of individual members.

Oversight Committee

Regional and sub-regional chapters are responsible for organizing themselves, conducting business and establishing operating rules suitable to their region within the general framework of this document. After successful establishment of regional chapters, the organization shall form an Oversight Committee comprising at least one representative from each region/sub-region to preside as the organization leadership committee. The Oversight Committee will be responsible for refining this charter to a final single organizational charter, creating and terminating any organizational units and form a single organization structure and submit to the general membership for approval.

Members & Membership Fee

One of our stated objectives is to reconnect individuals and families from Korem and the surrounding communities. Through the strong social network, our mission and commitment is to build an open and all-inclusive volunteer organization of common purpose, and work on practical projects that bring meaningful benefit at the local level.

Membership is open to any one with regional ties regardless of their material or monetary contribution to the organizations. However, members are encouraged to contribute a monthly membership fee to the minimum 20 units with the currency of their country of residence (e.g. $20 US, 20Birr, 20€, 20£, etc) which will be the main source for funding program activities and projects at the local level. Payments can be made in a lump sum of annual, semi-annual or installments of individual preference and are due to the regional or sub-regional financial officers or directly deposited in the organizations account.

The membership fee is a simple benchmark and should not be a limit to individual desire for more financial and/or material support.

Project Funding & Expense

The difference between what we want to do and what we can do will only be limited by our ability and effort of raising the required resource and our continuous commitment of being an active member. There are so many small things we can do with out big expense. But, if we have the will, the commitment and believe on each other, we can make work together and make significant contribution to the communities we once called home and will always be part of.

The organization recognizes any large scale project will need funding opportunities beyond member contribution and encourage individual members or groups to take self initiative in locating donors and holding functions to raise funds. All organization engagement and activities are members driven with no or very minimum operational cost overhead. Therefore all organizational assets and funds shall be directly vested on local projects at direction, acceptance and approval of its members.

Concurrently proportional expenditures will be made to leverage other funding opportunities with higher rate of return and members are encouraged in coordinating special events in local, sub-regional locations to keep in touch, assess the organization work, and discuss any issues and concerns and to raise funds.

Members out of pocket cost and charges of coordinating events resulting direct contribution of increased revenue to the organization fund are reimbursable. Members requiring reimbursement of out of pocket expenses are required to submit all the proper receipts which are required for book keeping and accountability during the organization financial audit.

The organization is an all volunteer organization focused on utilizing its funds to projects at a local level and will not pay any one cost of travel, accommodation and sustenance.

Work Program and Budget

As stated above, the primary source of the organization program budget is generated from the annual membership fee, additional contribution from individuals and other organizations. All projects at a local level are funded by the revenue generated through these primary sources. Therefore effective budget allocation, expense control and proper use of available assets are key factors for the organizations success to achieve its primary goals.

The general membership has the overall responsibility of determining the organizational activities and will act as a quality control through evaluation, recommendation and selection of projects. Therefore, the organization direct and indirect involvement in any project will require membership approval.

Project Contracting Procedures

All contracting activities shall adhere to the rules and procedures acceptable by members.
The contracting shall:

  1. Be administered directly by a pool of organizational members in coordination with locally assigned groups or members willing to be on sight to manage and over see proper installments.
  2. In circumstances where active members or volunteers are not available to over see projects and mange expense controls, the organization may manage projects through local contracts only if, the cost for third party requirement is justifiable, doesn’t alter or under cut the over all membership approved project goal. Contracting projects requiring direct control of none members or other organizations must be disclosed in advance and membership opinions should be polled for approval. The organization shall not engage in activities where more than 50% of membership polled is not in favor or such activity.
  3. The organization may undertake or participate on a project in cooperation with other organization if and only if shared responsibilities are clearly defined and the project has a direct and measurable benefit to Korem and the surrounding communities.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, all organizational funded programs shall be managed by a pull of regional administrators or a group of organizational members and a local/community coordinator will be responsible for evaluation of contracts and work and providing progress reports to the general membership.

Program Operating Rules

Voting Procedures

All issues subject for vote should be communicated in advance to the general membership. Allocation of organizational assets to local project even if it is deemed suitable within the organizations intended objective will require voting members approval by a quorum.


Decision to participate or undertake any project on behalf of the organization in regional and sub regional level will require a quorum with at least one-half of the membership vote. Members can voice their vote via mail, phone, and an email or post their views on the organization website message board or in actual attendance if a meeting is held. Votes and opinions received through any available venue should count toward a quorum. The organization structural integrity and strength can only be enhanced through transparency and all organization function shall be always disclosed to members. Member’s inputs such as request for change in adoption of a project, assessment and criticism of the over all organizational operation, its program management activities and suggestions for any alternatives shall be communicate on timely manner.


The organizations functional integrity is measured through examination and evaluation of its effectiveness of carrying out projects at the local level, its internal control of available finance, and the quality of performance of its members in carrying out assigned responsibilities within allocated budget. The organization internal auditing shall include:

  • Material accuracy of financial and operating information, and the means used to identify, measure, classify, and report the organizations activities.
  • Reviewing organizational related operating procedures and activities to ensure compliance with the over all goals, policies, plans and procedures of the organization function at large.
  • Reviewing the means of safeguarding and proper appropriation of assets.
  • Verifying the efficiency with which resources are employed, and the over all effectiveness in utilizing project budget on projects.
  • Insuring sub components of the organization operation is not in violation of regulations that could have significant impact on the organization integrity.
  • Reviewing established systems of internal control to ascertain whether they are
    functioning as designed.
  • Reviewing elected officer leadership performance and ethical business conduct integrity.

Reporting Responsibilites

  1. The audit team shall have a direct or indirect responsibility of reporting to the general membership during the audit work any significant findings of risk and discrepancies outside the scope of members approved activities.
  2. The organization will make every effort to accommodate a member or other supporting organization request of its records relevant to its scheduled project plan and spending. A summary of the internal audit report clearly stating progress of local project engagements, spending and cash at hand shall be available upon request to any member regardless of function or geography.
  3. Difficulties encountered during the course of an audit, including any restrictions on access to information if any must be included in a report for membership.
  4. The audit committee can recommend corrective actions to processes and system controls and improvement to active or future project spending and business activities for membership approval.

Amendments & Changes

The primary mission of this organization is to build a coalition of those willing to join for shared goals that are clearly stated in this document. Our goal is to bring together those who have a desire and sense of responsibility and work on measurable, practical, and tangible result oriented projects for the common good of Korem and the surrounding communities.

The content of this document is intended to be a guide line in defining the over all organization structural formula and basic purpose, members responsibility and what the expected outcome should be. As regional chapters are established, the organization foundations are fully formed and experiences is gained, the operating guidelines shall be amended to improve organizational operation efficiency and its effectiveness of executing its program objectives as long as the changes don’t jeopardize the organization independence and don’t promote the interest of any Political Organization or Groups in or out of the country.